How to Switch Between Worksheets in Excel

by Anya Zhukova

Excel is a very powerful program. If you’re someone who uses spreadsheets often, learning how to operate Excel can make a huge difference. But even if you already know the basics, there are always a few more tricks that can improve your overall experience working in the app. 

One of the handy tricks to learn is the different methods you can use to quickly switch between sheets in Excel. We’ll begin with the simple options like doing it manually and then gradually move on to other alternatives for more advanced users.

Table of Contents

    We also created a short video tutorial for our YouTube channel, which you can check out.

    Keyboard Shortcuts To Switch Between Sheets In Excel

    So you’ve got an Excel document in front of you with multiple worksheets. When you’ve got to switch between them, the obvious choice would be to do it by manually selecting a different sheet at the bottom of the workbook. However, that option might not be available. 

    In case you can’t use your mouse or touchpad or have a big workload and don’t waste time on that, you can switch between sheets in Excel using a keyboard shortcut. 

    There are two shortcuts that you’ll need to learn here: Ctrl + PgDn (page down) for moving to the sheet on the right, and Ctrl + PgUp (page up) for moving to the sheet on the left. Or simply follow these steps to switch between sheets in the workbook:

    1. In order to move one sheet to the right, hold down Ctrl, then press the PgDn key.
    2. To keep moving to the right, press the PgDn key again. 
    3. In order to move back or one sheet to the left, hold down Ctrl, then press the PgUp key. 
    4. To keep moving to the left, press the PgUp key again. 

    That’s just one example of a useful keyboard shortcut for Excel. Learning a few more essential shortcuts can help improve your productivity. For example, it will save you time while navigating Excel, or doing such routine tasks like changing row height and column width in the program. 

    Use The Go To Command 

    Using the Go To command is another handy way of moving around your Excel worksheet. You will especially appreciate this method if you have to deal with overloaded Excel documents with lots of rows and columns on a daily basis. 

    In order to move to a different space of your workbook using the Go To command, follow these steps: 

    This will take you to the place you’ve chosen by moving the active cell box onto that specific cell.

    Enable Go To Command Using Keyboard Shortcuts

    A quicker way to use the Go To command in Excel is by learning the right keyboard shortcuts for it. There are two different options here, you can either press the F5 key or use the Ctrl + G keyboard shortcut to bring the Go To window up. 

    Once you start using the Go To feature, you will see that it also stores all of your previous searches in that little window. So you can find a list of all your previous cell references in the top box above the Reference line. A useful feature if you find yourself jumping back and forth between specific areas of your Excel document.

    However, remember that this information will disappear once you close your Excel workbook. So if you think you’ll need it for future reference, make sure you save it elsewhere before exiting the document. 

    Switch Between Sheets in Excel Using Go To 

    If you don’t want to jump to a specific cell in a different worksheet, but just want to open the whole thing, you can also use the Go To command to do it. 

    In order to switch between sheets in your Excel workbook, follow these steps: 

    Use Hyperlink To Change Worksheets

    You can navigate around your Excel workbook and jump from one sheet to another using hyperlinks as well. In Excel, there are different hyperlink types, and you can link to an existing file on your computer, a web page, or an e-mail address. 

    If you want to create a hyperlink and use it to move to a different worksheet, do the following:

    You can later delete or edit this hyperlink to change its destination or appearance. 

    Use a VBA Script to Move Between Sheets

    While all of the above options are great for switching between Excel sheets, you might find yourself in a situation when you need more. For example, if you’re working with an Excel document of many worksheets and constantly need to move back and forth between them. In that case you can create a VBA macro or script to automate that process for you.

    Excel allows you to automate many different features and commands using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) scripting. It’s the programming language that Excel uses to create macros. 

    If you’re completely new to the topic, check out our beginner’s guide to VBA and an advanced VBA guide for MS Excel to learn everything about DIY programming in Microsoft Office. 

    If you already know a thing or two about it, then you can use macros like the following to move around your Excel workbook.

    VBA Macro To Move To The Right

    Sub Change_Sheets_Right()
    Dim SheetNum, CurrentSheet As Integer
    SheetNum = Sheets.Count
    CurrentSheet = ActiveSheet.Index
    If CurrentSheet < SheetNum Then
    Sheets(CurrentSheet + 1).Activate
    End If
    End Sub

    VBA Macro To Move To The Left

    Sub Change_Sheets_Left()
    Dim SheetNum, CurrentSheet As Integer
    SheetNum = Sheets.Count
    CurrentSheet = ActiveSheet.Index
    If CurrentSheet > 1 Then
    Sheets(CurrentSheet - 1).Activate
    End If
    End Sub

    Install both codes in your workbook to be able to move in both directions, right and left one sheet at a time.

    Become a Pro Excel User

    You’re now one step closer to mastering Excel and saving yourself a bunch of time and effort at work at the same time. Of course, there will always be new tips and tricks that you can learn about this software. Like the many ways of sharing an Excel file with your colleagues, or learning to password protect your Excel files

    However, automating your everyday workflow is the first and probably the most important step you can take diving into the world of Excel.

    What Excel automation tips do you know and use? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

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