6 Best Sites to Play Scattergories Online

by Maggie Marystone

You’re probably familiar with Scattergories, the party game released by Milton Bradley in 1988. You’ve seen it on the shelves in the games section of stores, but did you know you can also play Scattergories online? Playing Scattergories online instead of in person means you can play with people no matter where they live, just as long as everyone has an internet connection

We’ll show you six of the best sites where you can play as many games of Scattergories online as you want. Best of all, these apps and websites are all free, although some offer in-app purchases or have ads.

Table of Contents

    Scattergories has remained popular over the years because it’s fun, easy to learn, and is great for players ages 12+. Although your even younger smarty-pant kid will likely enjoy it, too.) 

    How Scattergories Online Works

    While gameplay can differ slightly from version to version, in general, here’s how Scattergories works when you play online. 

    Benefits to Playing Scattergories Online

    Playing online can take some of the work out of managing a game of Scattergories. Depending on which app or site you use, the platform will:

    If you’d like to play Scattergories online with friends, family, or strangers, you’ve got a few options to choose from. These are some of the best websites and apps for playing Scattergories online.

    1. Scattergories and Scattergories Blitz by Magmic Inc.

    Magmic Inc. has the Scattergories mobile app market cornered. Hasbro is the current owner of the Scattergories trademark, and Magmic has their blessing, so these are the only official mobile apps for Scattergories. 

    Magmic has created two different games: 

    2. ScattergoriesOnline.net

    This website offers Scattergories in over a dozen languages for free. What a great way to improve your foreign language vocabulary! 

    This site is mirrored at the URL citycountryriver.net.

     3. Swellgarfo.com/scattergories

    Paired with Zoom or the online meeting platform of your choice, this free and ad-free site is great for playing Scattergories online. 

    The site has a simple, clean design, but if it doesn’t appeal to you, you can use the Old Version instead. 

    4. Really.Boring.Website

    Hidden in the footer of the Swellgarfo website is a link to Play Online (BETA). Selecting it will take you to really.boring.website/lobby where you can join or create a public or private room to play Scattergories online.

    This free site has a chat box and also displays the rulebook so everyone can agree on the rules. The layout is nice and accommodates groups up to 24 people!

    5. StopotS.com

    Play Scattergories online with StopotS’ web, Android, or iOS apps. All the apps are free but come with ads. You can play anonymously or login with Facebook, Twitter, or Google. Create a room or be matched with others and play instantly. In-game chat means you can easily communicate with the other players.

    Gameplay is smooth, and the app automatically takes players through all the phases of the game, from entering answers to verifying them. 

    6. ESLKidsGames.com

    This site is aimed at kids learning English as a second language, but it’s great for anyone who wants to play Scattergories online. Like Swellgarfo, you’ll need to hop on a Zoom call to play with other people. 

    Choose one person to visit this site and share their screen. Once they click the “Choose a letter” button and start the timer, the game will begin. When time is up, everyone shares their answers, and you keep score as usual.

    Get Your Brain Working

    Scattergories isn’t the only online game out there that can exercise your mind. Rediscover Tetris, chess, or try one of these escape room games to stimulate different parts of your brain. You might find that you love the feeling of discovery and satisfaction, and you might even realize you feel less stressed. Game on!

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